Dear Alice

Welcome to Dear Alice!
Dear Alice is an anonymous advice column where you can ask Alice anything from family, friendships, dating, love-life, problems, stress, and anything in between!
All you have to do is email me at:
You can choose to send advice anonymously or with your name
*advice will be posted on Dear Alice


  1. Dear Alice,
    a good friend texted me he liked me but I'm going out with someone else! What should I do?!?!
    ~ Those Best Friend Problems

    1. Dear Those Best Friend Problems,
      I remember a while back that that happened to me! You should calm down and tell your friend that you are in a relationship and that he can't interfere with you and your boyfriend (especially if its going really well!) If he really is a good friend, then he should understand and agree to steer away from causing drama! Because I know from experience, no one likes drama!
